Meet Natalia Lopez of INNATA in Broward/ Pembroke Pines

Today we’d like to introduce you to Natalia Lopez.

Natalia founder and president of In-nata goes through major changes in her life that involve losing emotional, financial and mental stability.

During this process she finds a support group in Pembroke Pines, Fl. In- nata was born in the darkest time of her life understanding that other individuals are also needing support when a crisis hits. In-nata is a non-profit organization whose main goal is to assist and support individuals going thru storms and chaos.

Natalia, founder of In-nata, graduated from University of South Florida in 2010 as a biologist and has been working for ten years in the research industry with the goal to reduce gaps across communities and to assist and support those needing a hand.

More than ten years of experience in the Research industry, helping others to increase quality of life.

In-nata allows challenges and experiences during different seasons of life to align with potential and purpose.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
This road has been about trusting in dreams, purpose. When you start a business, you will be tested to ensure this is not just an impulse. Perseverance, wisdom and courage will take you to different levels. Step outside the box and take risks regardless of the lack of support, friendships that will be lost along the way. In life, we all have to pay a price and elevation sometimes requires separation to mold your character.

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the INNATA story. Tell us more about the business.
In-nata is a platform that aims to assist individuals to rise above themselves within their social, cultural and economic environment. We provide education about how to use talents, capacities and gifts. Everyone is born with a gift and this is what makes us unrepeatable.

Our goal is to change lives by building lost identity. In our current generation, our cultural environment exposes us to be consumers and not creators. We want to motivate generations to create and develop their talents understanding that storms are the perfect setting for the development of legacies.

In-nata is derived from Innate which is true essence.

Mission: To impact families, adults, heads of households, children, teenagers to find their true essence and nature through capacitation in the following areas: emotional, mental, education, financial coaching with the goal to increase their socioeconomic possibilities.

We are proud to provide resources for our community and we believe this is what set’s us apart.

Services after school hours (by appointment ONLY)
Immunization services
ACCESS to the food pantry
Assistance with temporary shelter
Family Restoration Program
Utility payment such as light upon eligibility

Teen pregnancy
Mental Health Services available
Mentoring Program for Fathers and the Youth
Drug Addiction Services available
1st Time Home Buyer program available and rentals

Tax Preparation
Credit Restoration
Extra Curriculum Program for the youth
Financial Advisor
Business Start Up
Internet, TV, Radio
Home Health Agency
Occupational Therapy

Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
I honestly believe its all about believing and persevering. We have multiple choices to make daily and if we make the right one each day, we can get closer to purpose and achieving those dreams.

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